Update from the Cruz Campaign:

Friends, there is no doubt that the far left is fired up. There are multiple motivations for them this fall. Many leftists think President Trump is on the ballot again, and they want vote against him. Senator Cruz has been an effective voice for conservatism and the far left would love to defeat him in the process. We need to be just as fired up to stop the advance of Socialism in Texas.

The left has no viable candidates in any of the other top of the ballot races so leftists from the East Coast and Hollywood/California liberals are pouring money into O’Rourke’s campaign, putting all their eggs in one basket. The national media are putting out puff pieces touting O’Rourke daily, while taking every opportunity to undercut Sen. Cruz (biased FakeNews).

This gives O’Rourke some built in momentum early on.

However, this is Texas, and if the conservative grassroots step up, they won’t be able to put a dent in what Texas has accomplished, becoming one of the most pro-liberty, pro-jobs, and pro-growth states in the union.

A few points:

1. Everyone has been getting text messages from the O’Rourke campaign. This is because they have no idea which people they need to contact to turnout to vote in November, they are having to build out that data from scratch. When you respond, it helps them to figure out who supports and doesn’t support them and helps them identify who to turnout in November. This is costing them a lot of money and a lot of volunteer hours as they text one at a time. The Cruz campaign does not need to duplicate this effort because we already know which households we need to turnout, and we are already actively knocking on those doors, focusing heavily on those people that don’t always participate in midterms, and other strategic households as well. This is all underway and has been for months. This is what will make the biggest difference in defeating any “blue wave”. The more people we have knocking on these doors the better. Contact me if you want to know how to get involved in this effort.

2. Everyone has been seeing a lot of O’Rourke yard signs. Yard signs do not increase voter turnout. Yard signs only increase name ID for those who are planning to vote already, and most voters already know which party they intend to vote for. However, many people won’t vote for names on their ballot that they don’t recognize, even in their own party. For this reason, the O’Rourke campaign has spent a fortune on yard signs, because their name ID isn’t where they need it to be, and it’s still relatively low among likely voters. Even in a blue wave election, that’s not good for O’Rourke. Senator Cruz on the other hand has nearly universal name ID, which is why neither Cruz or Trump spent money on yard signs in the 2016 Presidential, and they were the top two in the Republican Primary. On a related note, the Cruz campaign didn’t have yard signs in 2012 either, they were all made by other individuals. There are some things that only the campaign can do, like create television ads, and the campaign needs to focus its resources on things that actually affect the sum total of votes in November. However, like in 2012, and 2016, the conservative grassroots can step in and do what they did in the past, which is make their own signs if they want them, or they can order a yard sign from the website, which are the same price as the signs O’Rourke is selling. O’Rourke’s supporters are buying signs online, and so too now can Ted Cruz supporters at 9.99 + shipping. I fully realize that some people REALLY want yard signs. Please direct them towards the campaign store so that they can purchase one (or more).

3. Most of the visible portions of the Cruz campaign have yet to be unleashed. Be patient. It’s coming. It’s not about how much is done, but the density of these efforts during a compact time frame. I can’t go into any more specifics, but the Cruz campaign will be very visible during the time when it counts. In the mean time, the campaign has been busy behind the scenes with door knocking, phone banking, and attending various events. The Texas Cruzer has traveled over 75,000 miles and attended over 550 events, and been in every single county of the state for at least one event.

4. For those who want Senator Cruz on the campaign trail more, so does the campaign. The problem is that the Senate has actually been working, a lot, to confirm conservative judges to federal court positions. If even one Republican Senator misses a vote right now, a confirmation vote is at risk of being blocked. This puts the Senator in a precarious position of knowing that he needs to be in front of his voters, while also wanting to make sure that the President’s appointees aren’t stopped. In the meantime, as has been the case for months, O’Rourke has not been present on the House floor often, but rather campaigning while Senator Cruz is working. This is to say that Senator Cruz needs your help to fill in for him when he can’t be here, to get in front of voters through door knocking efforts and make sure people turn out to vote.

5. Lastly, this is a competitive race, but the Cruz campaign has a plan in place and is dedicated to continue working the long hours that will be necessary to defeat the efforts of the extreme far left to undermine the liberties and rights of Texans, but you all are a critical component of that effort. How much we win by will be dependent on how well our messaging and campaign ads connect with voters and how many doors conservatives across Texas are able to knock on.

Click here to sign up to volunteer for Cruz Campaign.