Republican Legislators Hall, Biedermann, and Tinderholt Release Statewide Poll About Coronavirus

Republican Legislators Hall, Biedermann, and Tinderholt Release Statewide Poll About Coronavirus

On Thursday, Texas legislators Bob Hall, Kyle Biedermann, and Tony Tinderholt released a polling memo of a statewide poll they conducted of general election Texas voters. The poll revealed a partisan split on the direction Texas should go.

When it came to a simple question of whether Texas should open back up or not, 50% of Republicans said yes while 82% of Democrats say Texas should remain closed. When polling specific actions that would open up Texas, the numbers shift. Both parties are supportive of opening up medical procedures that are currently banned by the government, while 79% of Republicans strongly support allowing businesses to open back up with social distancing guidelines, a question that Democrats are split on.

Partisanship doesn’t affect your ability to work from home. 64% of Republicans and 65% of Democrats say they cannot successfully work from home. Also, both Republicans and Democrats believe there should be an immediate reduction in government spending to avoid tax increases in the future.

Senator Hall commented on the results saying, “Texas has given Republicans control of Texas for a reason. We need to lead by opening Texas back up, and letting Texans get back to work. I was also very pleased to see such bipartisan support for allowing medical procedures that the Texas Medical Board has excessively restricted. I urge the governor to implement the strategy I recently laid out in a letter to him for opening Texas while still accounting for the original intended goal of slowing the spread of the virus. We need to loosen the reins immediately.”

Biedermann commented saying, “Businesses need to open back up, and social distancing should be encouraged. State and local governments need to immediately reduce spending, and take any tax increases off the table. Texans don’t have more money for us to take from them. I am urging Governor Abbott to let individual Texans decide when they are ready to get back out and engage in society. Those who want to stay home can and those who need to go out to provide for their family should be allowed to do so.”

Tinderholt commented saying, “A vast majority of my constituents and Texans simply can’t provide for their families from home. Every day the government keeps them from going to work worsens their situation. I’m encouraged to see that many Texans agree with me that governments need to immediately reduce spending. We must act now.”