Capitol Hall Report – The 87th Legislative Session is upon us!

by Texas Senator Bob Hall

Serving the counties of District 2: Fannin, Delta, Hunt, Hopkins, Rains,
Rockwall, Kaufman, Van Zandt, and part of Dallas County

The 87th Legislative Session is upon us!

On Tuesday, the 87th Texas Legislature gaveled in for the first time of this session. Over the next several months, I have the honor of representing the constituents of Senate District 2 at the Texas Capitol. While this session will most likely be different from any previous session in Texas history, I am ready to advance the cause of liberty and protect the rights of Texans across the state – especially after such a difficult year for so many of us.

Watch my update HERE 

Below is an initial list of legislative priorities and legislation which our office has requested or filed as we approach the 87th Texas Legislative Session, as of January 14th, 2021. Please note that this list may change as we progress through session.

Election Integrity

  • We have requested a draft for a bill which would, among other requirements, amend election code to require automatic partial recounts in each county, require the publishing of all precinct data by each county, require verification by each county that their vote totals are correct before the Secretary of State certifies, require all polling locations during early voting to be open from 7am-7pm and not outside of those hours, and require that an absentee ballot application be requested by the voter before being sent out.

Religious Freedom

  • We have requested a bill draft which would restore the rights of individuals and other entities to exercise their religious beliefs by prohibiting local ordinances, state, laws, and executive orders which would violate those rights.

Children and Gender Modification

  • We have drafted legislation which would prohibit anyone from prescribing hormone therapies or performing gender reassignment surgeries on minors suffering from gender dysphoria. Healthcare professionals who prescribed or performed hormone therapies or reassignment surgeries could lose their license.

Abolition of Abortion

  • We are planning to file a constitutional amendment which would extend the right to life to unborn children, beginning at fertilization.

Constitutional Carry

  • We have requested language for a constitutional amendment which would end the requirement to have a license or permit to carry firearms.
  • We are refiling a bill which would prohibit public funds from being used to enforce non-state laws regarding firearms in Texas.

Monument Protection

  • We have requested a bill draft that would protect monuments and statues in Texas on both state and municipal property from removal or alteration, and which would penalize those who vandalize or destroy monuments.

Ban Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying

  • We have filed a bill which would prohibit the practice of taxpayer-funded lobbying in Texas.
  • We have also drafted a constitutional amendment to prevent political subdivisions from using public money to fund lobbying efforts.

Protecting Children

  • We have requested language for a bill which would penalize chief decision-makers of streaming service companies who make the choice to distribute content featuring lewd depictions of children (such as in the movie “Cuties”).
  • In addition, we have requested a draft for a bill which would remove obscenity exemptions from statute which allow children to have access to obscene materials disseminated at public and school libraries.

Protecting the Grid

  • We have requested language for a bill which would protect the Texas power grid by establishing a Grid Security Commission which will create a plan for securing the resiliency of our electric grid, that will be folded into the State Emergency Plan.

Protecting Individual Rights

  • We have requested language for a bill which would prohibit the sale to third parties of personal information and data collected by the Texas state government.
  • We have also requested a draft for a bill which would protect individuals from vaccine mandates by employers, health and life insurance plans, health care providers and facilities, long-term care and assisted living facilities, schools, and child care facilities. It would also prohibit vaccine mandates by emergency powers or agency rules. In addition, it would prohibit the connection of vaccination or immunity status to state-issued driver licenses and identification. Finally, it would prohibit discrimination and right of access restrictions based upon an individual’s vaccination or immunity status.

As we move forward into session, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and guidance for both myself and other members of the 87th Texas Legislature as we evaluate policies that affect the people of Texas.

As always, our office is open and you are welcome to discuss any issue of concern.  No appointment is necessary.

“Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you.” – 1 Chronicles 28:20