Texas Criminal Court of Appeals Betrays Texas & the Nation

Texas Criminal Court of Appeals Betrays Texas & the Nation

Thanks to George Soros and the backstabbers on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Texas now has a huge problem.

The law that required the Texas Attorney General to prosecute election fraud has been overturned by an 8 to 1 decision in the Texas Criminal Court of Appeals (CCA), Republicans all.

In Texas, if the AG can’t or refuses to enforce a law, enforcement automatically goes to the local district attorneys, many of whom are anarchists whose campaigns are funded by Soros. And the location of said prosecutors is in the urban areas where most of Texas votes lie.


2022 Is Off to a Bad Start, Courtesy of the Court of Criminal Appeals (townhall.com)

What is particularly galling about this is that many of the judges on this court were endorsed by conservative grassroots organizations all over the state. Betrayal by lying politicians is nothing new, but so many of them at one time? It’s hard to take, but is what it is.

“Incidentally, these brave and fearless left-wing extremists on the CCA, made their craven decision two days after the election filing period ended, ensuring their primary races wouldn’t be affected by their political decision.” Chris Salcedo

In other words, they made this ruling 2 days after the candidate filing deadline passed so they couldn’t be primaried. This is the level of human being we are dealing with.

In so many words, this is what Ken Paxton has said: There will be no appeals. The CCA is the last court.

Paxton has asked for a reconsideration of the case, which he will get, but don’t expect it to change anything unless we rise up & all of them hear from all of us.  He said that he will submit an amicus brief, and that grassroots activists all over the state are doing the same. He expects Gov. Abbott to submit one as well, but with him you never know. Doing nothing is his specialty.

The Texas House could vote to draw up articles of impeachment against the judges, which would require a simple majority vote. There’s a lot of Democrats in the House, so I don’t know how feasible this would be. Assuming they made it through the House, the articles would then be forwarded to the Senate for trial. But it would require a 2/3rds vote to impeach/remove a judge from office. Conservatives are a small minority in Austin (No, Virginia. Texas is not a red state). A 2/3rds vote would be all but impossible.

That leaves General Paxton’s advice, saying that this is our only realistic option.

1) Governor Abbott calls a special session immediately.

2) The legislature meets and makes the law stronger and passes other laws that clearly give authority to the AG to prosecute any election fraud suspected anywhere in this state.

None of this has yet happened.

3) The CCA will strike them down, but it will take 2-4 years for it to wind its way through the lower courts before it finally gets to them. This buys time and that’s all it will do.

4) We use that time to vote these frauds out of office and replace them with solid conservatives who oppose anarchy-not likely since one of the offending judges, Scott Walker, was just reelected.

That’s a large order to fill and will take a tremendous amount of work to accomplish. It’s not much but it’s all we have.

What can YOU do?

Contact the governor and tell him that you want a special session to deal with this catastrophe. Remind him that he’s running for reelection. Be polite. Contact | Office of the Texas Governor | Greg Abbott

Contact your representative and tell him or her that you want a special session to harden Texas election laws that allows the Attorney General of Texas is to prosecute. Remind them that if they refuse, we can assume that they are against election integrity, something that nearly every American supports. Who Represents Me? (texas.gov)

Any time I contact an elected representative, I always end it with, “Do not send me a form letter.” For those of you who don’t know what that is, politicians use them to answer a constituent on a particular issue. They say nothing and mean nothing. Form letters = subterfuge.

Contact each judge and tell them that because they have sided with the Left to destroy our state and country, that you will NEVER vote for them for any office in the future. Only if they reverse or vacate the ruling will you reconsider. But we will have to back it up with action. And because Judge Walker was voted back into office, they aren’t worried. Only when they start losing elections will they realize the gravity of what they have done.

Contact Judge Kevin Yeary who was the only judge to vote against this. THANK him for doing so. Don’t think this doesn’t matter. It does.

This is the list of offenders who need to leave office asap:

  • Presiding Judge Sharon Keller
  • Judge Barbara Hervey
  • Judge Bert Richardson
  • Judge David Newell
  • Judge Mary Lou Keel
  • Judge Scott Walker
  • Judge Michelle Slaughter
  • Judge Jesse F. McClure, III

I was unable to find emails for these judges, but the website said to contact them through the clerk of the court: deana.williamson@txcourts.gov

You can put in the subject line the judge that you’re addressing, ask Ms. Williamson to forward the email to that judge, and thank her. Then tell the judges what you think of their ruling. Be polite but firm. I plan to send one email to Judge Yeary, and one to the rest.

One Texan contacted one of the judges. Their response was, “I am not allowed to discuss a pending case.” Politicians say this all the time. It’s usually true but not always. They use either the “pending case” or the “it’s an ongoing investigation” excuses to not have to talk about something that makes them uncomfortable. Which is this? Probably both.

If these judges do not change course, this means that there will be no consequences for cheating in elections wherever Soros-funded DAs are. The ones who still have honest DAs will have fair elections. But that will not be the case in Houston, Dallas, Austin, El Paso, San Antonio, or Ft. Worth, where most Texas voters reside.

The only way socialists win is if they lie, cheat, and steal. If we allow Texas to be stolen, it’s over. The gravity of this cannot be overstated. We let them steal the last election and look what happened. This is an extension of that.

The people of Texas must deal with this or we lose it all. And when Texas goes, we take the rest of the nation with us. Everything that you care about is on the line. Please act.

Jan Shedd
Kaufman County, Texas
