Capitol Hall Report – Latest Update 3/22/2020 – Coronavirus Disease and Precautions

by Texas Senator Bob Hall

In an effort to keep everyone updated, please find the latest update from Governor Greg Abbott and on the Administrations efforts.

Governor Abbott Issues Executive Order Increasing Hospital Capacity, Announces Supply Chain Strike Force For COVID-19 Response

AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott today signed an Executive Order to expand hospital bed capacity as the state responds to the COVID-19 virus. These actions will reinforce Texas’ health care capabilities and provide additional space for hospitals to provide care to COVID-19 patients. Under this order, the Governor directed all licensed health care professionals and facilities to postpone all surgeries and procedures that are not immediately, medically necessary to correct a serious medical condition or to preserve the life of a patient who without immediate performance of the surgery or procedure would be at risk for serious adverse medical consequences or death, as determined by the patient’s physician. This does not apply to any procedure that, if performed in accordance with the commonly accepted standard of clinical practice, would not deplete the hospital capacity or the personal protective equipment needed to cope with the COVID-19 disaster.

The Governor also suspended certain regulations as requested by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to allow for increased occupancy of hospital rooms — meaning hospitals will be able to treat more than one patient in a patient room, thus increasing their ability to care for the growing number of COVID-19 patients.

Additionally, the Governor announced the creation of a temporary Supply Chain Strike Force — immediately naming Keith Miears, Senior Vice President of Worldwide Procurement at Dell Technologies, to serve as Supply Chain Director for the state of Texas. Miears will be supported by former State Representative John Zerwas, MD, who will assist with hospital relations and preparedness, Clint Harp, Vice President of Transmission Strategic Services for the Lower Colorado River Authority, who will assist with asset research and procurement, and Elaine Mendoza, Chair of the A&M Board of Regents, who will assist with statewide child care infrastructure for critical workers.

The Supply Chain Strike Force will be tasked with guiding collaboration between the public and private sectors to ensure health care facilities have the supplies and resources they need to respond to COVID-19. In addition to working with the federal government and businesses to secure necessary personal protective equipment, the team will work to ensure day-to-day resources (including food) are available for Texas’ medical personnel, first responders and those who have contracted COVID-19.

“We have seen how this virus has progressed in other states and nations, and it is vital that Texas stays ahead of the curve as the situation develops here,” said Governor Abbott. “Patient care capacity is essential during this time, which is why the state of Texas is taking action to increase hospital bed capacity, provide additional space for medical personnel to care for patients, and ensure that healthcare facilities have the supplies needed to respond to COVID-19. Along with this Executive Order, the Supply Chain Strike Force will play a crucial role in addressing these needs by helping to secure and expedite the distribution of resources across the state. These are unprecedented times, and Texas will continue to take robust action to protect our communities and support those serving on the front lines of the COVID-19 response.”

The Governor’s Executive Order takes effect immediately, and remains in effect and in full force until 11:59 p.m. on April 21, 2020, unless it is modified, amended, rescinded, or superseded by the Governor.

View the Governor’s Executive Order.

President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America
15 Days to Slow the Spread (Download PDF)


HIGHLIGHTS | President Trump and the Coronavirus Task Force Announce New Measures to Protect the Health and Safety of Americans


  • PRESIDENT TRUMP: “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has decided to exercise its authority under the Title 42 of the U.S. Code to give Customs and Border Protection the tools it needs to protect the transmission of the virus.”
  • PRESIDENT TRUMP: “As we did with Canada, we’re working with Mexico to implement new rules at our ports of entry to suspend non-essential travel.”
  • SECRETARY POMPEO: “The United States and Canada jointly agree to restrict all non-essential traffic across our border. This decision goes into effect tonight at midnight.”
  • ACTING SECRETARY WOLF: “The CDC order directs the Department to suspend the introduction of all individuals seeking to enter the U.S. without proper travel documentation. That’s for both the northern and southern border.”
  • ACTING SECRETARY WOLF: “Tonight, again at midnight, we will execute the CDC order by immediately returning individuals arriving without documentation to Canada, Mexico, as well as a number of other countries without delay.”


  • PRESIDENT TRUMP: “With the many schools closed due to the virus, the Department of Education will not enforce standardized testing requirements – very importantly – for students in elementary through high school for the current year.”
  • PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Today, Secretary DeVos has directed federal lenders to allow borrowers to suspend their student loans and loan payments without penalty for at least the next 60 days.”
  • PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We’ve temporarily waived all interest on federally held student loans.”


  • PRESIDENT TRUMP: “This morning, the Treasury Department also announced that we are moving tax day from April 15 to July 15.”
  • PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Families and business who have this extra time to file with no interest or penalties – we are getting rid of interest and penalties. However, if you have refunds or credits, you would like to claim you may still file. In other words, you can file early if you are owed money by the IRS.”


  • VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “Over this weekend, we’ll be announcing a major procurement from the federal government of N-95 masks, as well.”
  • VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “We’re also encouraged that we’re finding new alternatives to increase the supply of ventilators. We’ve mentioned we have a federal stockpile of some 20,000 ventilators on standby, but that doesn’t count the tens of thousands of ventilators that are in our healthcare system around the country.”
  • VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “In our recent discussion with anesthesiologists, we’ve literally identified tens of thousands of existing ventilators that can be retrofitted and converted to be ventilators for people struggling with the coronavirus.”


  • PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We are going to be helping them a lot. We are going to be focusing — a big focus, including my conversation with both Mitch and with Chuck, a big focus of that conversation was small businesses. Because they are really the engine behind our country. More so than the big ones. They are the engine behind our country.”
  • PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We’re not talking about a $1,000 check, we’re are talking about much more than that. We’re also talking about doing phases, if this doesn’t work we’re going to keep doing until we get it going.”

As discussed in a past Capitol Hall Report, taking action quickly to slow the spread of COVID-19 will keep our excellent medical professionals available to treat the cases that may require deeper medical attention.

If you have a fever or symptoms, call your doctor. If you cannot afford to be tested or treated for COVID-19, call the statewide hotline to access info on how you can be treated at a public or nonprofit health facility. Statewide Hotline: 2-11 or

Experts predict the number of COVID-19 cases to go up “exponentially” in the coming days as testing is increased. It is recommended that people who have private insurance use their primary care physician to order a test. If you feel that you may have COVID-19 and meet the criteria for being at risk, the CDC website outlines the process

These recommendations are designed to reduce widespread outbreak and are for the benefit of our entire community. Our goal is to keep our citizens as healthy as possible, and for those who are impacted to receive the highest quality of medical care. If we work together, we will achieve this goal.

Measures are being implemented to mitigate the effect of the outbreak in different sectors of our society.

Additional Info

  • Dallas County has issued a Shelter in Place, also known as Stay-at-home, order starting at 11:59pm, Monday, March 23, 2020 through at least April 3rd..
  • Governor Abbott also granted Department of Public Service (DPS) the authority to extend the expiration of a Texas driver’s license, identification card, election identification certificate and vehicle registrations for the duration of the declaration of State of Disaster.
  • Several Texas cable companies including Suddenlink, Charter and Comcast are providing free internet for K-12 students for 60 days.
  • Employees affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19), can apply for benefits either online at any time using Unemployment Benefits Services (UBS) online. UBS is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week or employees can call Texas Workforce Commission’s Tele-Center at 800-939-6631 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central Time Monday through Friday.
  • Governor Abbott also announced that the state is waiving STAAR testing requirements for this year, a decision I strongly agreed with.
  • US Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have moved the deadline for taxes due to 90 days from April 15th.  However, if you are expecting a refund, it is recommended you get your taxes in sooner than later so they may start paying individuals out what is owed.
  • Governor Abbott has activated the Texas National Guard to be prepared to assist with response efforts.  This will allow the National Guard to ensure that its personnel will be available to assist in various forms throughout the state, be it building additional hospital capacity or bringing needed supplies in higher impacted areas.
  • Governor Abbott has requested that the U.S. Small Business Administration implement a declaration to provide SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans for the entire state. For more information visit the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) website. Business owners will be directed to the SBA website where they can apply for assistance.

Here are a few sites where you can find up to date and relevant information:

As the info is ever changing, please do follow us on social media as well.  Share with those that may also not be on our email blast list.  Staying informed can help us all stay connected.

During this time as always, my office is ready to serve you in any way we can. My cellphone number is (214) 632-1391 and our office number is (512) 463-0102 or (972) 722-3131.