Capitol Hall Report – Protection of Texas’ Foremost Monument: The Alamo -March 7, 2019

via Senator Bob Hall
March 7, 2019

The narrative at the Alamo grounds must tell the truth about her defenders and the 1836 Battle of the Alamo.

The Battle of the Alamo was a defining moment in the history of Texas and illustrates the passion the early settlers had for freedom and independence. The battle cry “Remember the Alamo!” still stirs the hearts of patriots who cherish the sacrifice paid for our proud and independent state.

The importance of the 1836 Battle of the Alamo and its impact on Texas history is under assault by revisionist historians. Several bills have been filed in the 86th Legislature to protect the truth about the Alamo’s history. It’s encouraging to see the fervor with which lawmakers have stood up to defend her once again.

My staff recently visited with a professor in Austin about our bill, SJR 2, that would allow the Legislature to review the exhibits displayed on the Alamo compound grounds. The professor was concerned about legislators who are “untrained in history” being able to determine the narrative at the Alamo instead of credentialed historians.

About halfway through the conversation with my staff, he referred to the Cenotaph as “a pile of rocks.” He’s fortunate that no descendant of the Alamo defenders was present to overhear this extremely disrespectful remark. I would have feared for the professor’s safety!

This conversation with the professor illustrates the attitude of elitism and total disregard that revisionists of history entertain toward the Alamo. Historians and the powers that be have made it clear that they want to decrease the emphasis on the 1836 Battle and take a holistic approach to the 300 years of the mission’s existence.

The San Antonio Express News stated last year that there are plans to “create a world-class museum that tells not just the full story of the 1836 battle, but the layers and layers of history at the site. This is a rare chance to redefine how Texas and the world view the Alamo.”

The beauty of SJR 2 is that it would, if approved by Texas voters, apply to any museum in the State of Texas that contains exhibits featuring the Alamo. The Legislature would be able to review and approve the narrative presented to the public. I believe that checks and balances are never a bad idea, therefore legislative review of Alamo history would add a level of accountability to unelected historians.

The Cenotaph in particular has become a major point of contention between the City of San Antonio, the General Land Office (GLO), and the descendants of the defenders. It serves as the only grave marker for those brave men who gave their last full measure of devotion for the cause of Texas Independence.

The appropriately numbered bill HB 1836 by Representative Kyle Biedermann would give the State of Texas, through the GLO, authority to annex property required to preserve the Cenotaph. It also specifies that the Governor, Lt. Governor, Speaker of the House, and GLO must unanimously agree on measures taken to protect the monument. HB 1836 would prevent the Cenotaph from being moved outside the original Alamo Plaza.

SB 1400 by Senator Donna Campbell would require agreement between the Daughters of the Republic of Texas (DRT), the Texas Historical Commission, and the GLO before repair of the Cenotaph is carried out, and require that it be permanently placed within the Alamo Plaza.

The voters should have a say, through their elected officials, about what narrative is told at the Alamo as the shrine of Texas liberty. SJR 2 and its accompanying bill SB 927 would afford Texans this opportunity. The least we can do to respect the Alamo defenders is tell the truth to coming generations about what they fought and died for; liberty and freedom.

Senator Bob Hall
P.O. Box 12068
Capitol Station
Austin, TX 78711

(512) 463-0102