Important Advisory to Republican Candidates, Elected Officials, and Party Leadership



TO: Republican Candidates, Elected Officials, and Party Leadership
FROM: Chairman James Dickey
RE: Important Advisory to Republican Candidates
DATE: January 21, 2020

Selected left-leaning groups are organizing events around the state and inviting Republican candidates to participate.

The Republican Party of Texas strongly advises against any participation during the Primary in any events, including forums or debates, that involves candidates from other parties. The Primary Election is the time for Republican voters in Texas to decide between the filed Republican candidates for their nominee for the General Election. The General Election will be the opportunity for Republican nominees to face off against those from other parties.

If you have been offered an invite to an event of this type, please decline, and also send us a copy or the details of the invitation so we can stay abreast of developments. Please feel free to reach out to either me or Kyle Whatley at 512-477-9821 with any questions or concerns.