Kaufman County Commissioners Vote to Place Road and Facilities Propositions on November Ballot

Via Public Notice
August 15, 2019
In a unanimous vote on Wednesday, Kaufman County Commissioners Court voted to place two county bond measures to go before the voters on the November 5th ballot. The measures will be on the November 2019 ballot as Proposition A and Proposition B. Proposition A includes $104.1 million in road and transportation improvements. Proposition B proposes $50 million in bonds for a justice center to provide safer and more efficient use of space as well as improvements or new facilities to sub-courthouses in Forney, Kemp and Terrell. The County is in discussions with Forney ISD to build a law enforcement facility adjacent to North Forney High School. This facility will provide a sheriff’s office presence in the northern part of the county as well as educational opportunities for FISD. The renovation of the Kaufman Courthouse is also planned as part of this proposal.
The Kaufman County Transportation Coalition was formed earlier this year to provide local input from leaders in each community for direction of needed transportation projects. If passed, bond dollars will go toward improvements to projects identified by the Coalition for county roads as well as state highways for improved safety and traffic congestion relief.
“Better, safer roads and easier access to county services is a core principal in improving the quality of life for Kaufman County residents,” said County Judge Hal Richards. “Today’s action gives the voter a voice about county services to decide if they want better roads and safer and more efficient facilities in Kaufman County.”
Several area mayors and council members were in attendance to speak in favor of both propositions and praised the efforts of Commissioners Court for its ongoing support and partnership with Kaufman County cities in addressing growing transportation and public service needs.
“The City of Terrell is 100% behind this Bond and will work everyday until the election to help support.”
Mike Sims- Terrell City Manager
“The City of Crandall is fully on board with this bond, count on our support”
Jana Shelton- Crandall City Manager
“We have an excellent relationship with County and are behind you on this bond, we will do whatever we can to help”

Jeff Jordan- Mayor of Kaufman