Kaufman County GOP Club President’s Comments – December, 2019

Kaufman County GOP Club

December 20, 2019

President’s comments


Hello fellow patriots, this past year has been one filled with contentious, angry and bitter feelings.

But let us not despair but put our faith in God Almighty who will give us peace from all

our contentious, angry and bitter feelings. This should be a joyous time of year when we can

celebrate the awesome gift our Heavenly Father has given us.

Following is a Christmas poem I want to share with you which I pray will lift your spirits.


My Christmas Wish To YOU

By Catherine Pulsifer


If I could wish a wish for you,

it would be for peace, faith, and happiness

not only at Christmas,

but for the whole year through!


I wish that there always be food on your table.

That you always give to those less fortunate.

May you always take time to share,

and thank those who have blessed you.


I wish for time, so that you may reflect

on the blessings that you have,

and that you express your love

to those who are dear to you


May you never feel lonely,

because there are those who care.

That you realize: you are special,

you are unique, you make a difference,

not only at Christmas, but all year!


I wish for your thoughts to be positive ones,

that you never quit, that you never give up,

and that you continue to learn.


I wish for the love, and peace of God,

to be yours always.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Robert Williams
GOP Club President

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