Update from Texas Republican County Chairmen’s Association

via TRCCA Legislative Chairman David Covey

It has been a busy few weeks at your Texas Capitol! I know many of you joined us to attend the inauguration of Governor Greg Abbott and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick. It was a great ceremony with many festivities to enjoy. A week previous to the inauguration, the House and Senate members were sworn in to office in their respective chambers.

Last week Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick announced Senate committee assignments for the 86th legislative session.

“These committee assignments reflect the proven leadership, commitment, solid work ethic and wide range of expertise of the 31 senators who have been elected by the people of Texas to represent them,” said Patrick. “I am confident they can make this the most productive and successful legislative session in Texas history.”

As expected, State Sen. Jane Nelson (R–Flower Mound) will once again chair the Senate Finance Committee. She has already scheduled meetings through February 14th on finance.

As the Senate Finance committee begins the rigorous process of crafting the 2020-2021 budget, some of their main priorities include focusing on our school finance system, evaluating the ballooning cost of healthcare, addressing mental health needs for our most vulnerable citizens, ensuring public safety, providing safe, reliable transportation statewide, and as always, finding ways to fulfill constitutional responsibilities and state services while seeking out tax relief for hard-working Texans. While initial budget proposals have been submitted by both the House and Senate, the details associated with how we fund the major components of state government will come together in the next two months of the biennial budgetary process.

It is worth noting that Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar offered a cautiously optimistic outlook for the Texas economy, telling members they will have about 8.1 percent more state funds available to budget for public programs — primarily schools, highways and health care — in 2020 and 2021. Hegar projected there would be about $119.1 billion in state funds available for the next two-year budget, up from $110.2 in the last two-year budget. With more funds potentially available we could see a tense budget process.

State Sen. Robert Nichols (R-Jacksonville) was again tapped for chair of transportation, before running for Senate Nichols served as transportation commissioner for eight years.

State Sen. Paul Bettencourt (R–Houston), who has long been a vocal advocate for property tax reform and relief, will chair the new Committee on Property Tax. Bettencourt had previously chaired the Select Committee on Property Tax Reform during the interim.

One of the key functions of the Lieutenant Governor is appointing senators to serve on a number of standing committees which contemplate all legislation, broken up by subject matter, prior to bills potentially advancing to the Senate floor for a full vote. You can read more about the Senate standing committees here: Senate Committees 

Texas House Speaker Dennis Bonnen made the highly anticipated announcement of each state representatives’ respective committee assignments this week. The announcement comes less than one week after the announcement of the Texas Senate’s committee assignments and considerably earlier than had been the practice during recent sessions.
The timely manner underscores Bonnen’s previously stated commitment to working with the Texas Senate and Gov. Greg Abbott in moving priority legislation through the chamber. Speaker Bonnen carries the reputation of promptness and efficiency from previous sessions.

“After thoughtful consideration, the following assignments have been made to reflect the seniority and personal preferences of members and the diverse demographics of the Texas House,” said Bonnen.

Chairing the powerful Calendars Committee will be State Rep. Four Price (R–Amarillo). Price had previously chaired the Committee on Public Health and was a candidate for Speaker of the House last year before withdrawing from the race and giving his support to Bonnen.

Perhaps the most important committee this session will be the Committee on Ways and Means, through which any property tax reform or relief legislation is expected to flow. Chairing that committee is State Rep. Dustin Burrows (R-Lubbock), the chairman of the Texas House Republican Caucus. For more about the House committees you can visit here: House Committees.

Currently, bills are being filed by members daily. In the next couple of weeks bills will begin to be referred to committees who will then schedule hearings on bills.

As legislative chair, I am particularly watching election bills and bills that would impact the responsibilities of County Chairs. As bills are assigned to committees and scheduled for hearings, I will send out updates and action alerts. I am here to represent you, the member of the TRCCA. Because of the work you each do in your communities, all around Texas, we have a strong voice in Austin.

During our upcoming legislative training, in Austin February 13-14, I will cover everything you need to know to visit with your legislator along with some tips when meeting with legislators who do not represent you. We will also be passing out a one-pager with talking points to make it easy for you.

If you have any questions or see a bill you are interested in supporting or opposing, please feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to seeing you all in Austin for the TRCCA Day at the Capitol.

Best regards,
David Covey, Chairman
Orange County Republican Party